Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, taken at regular meeting held MONDAY April 8, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen met in regular session at their meeting place, City Hall, Jeanerette, Louisiana.
Those present were: Mayor Aprill Foulcard; Alderwoman Christia Simmons and Aldermen Kenneth Kern, Butch Bourgeois, Charles Williams, Sr., and Clarence Clark,
Also present were: Financial Administrator David Greer, City Attorney Roger Hamilton, and City Clerk Susan Colden, Treasurer Catherine Roy
Absent: None
Alderman Williams led in prayer, and Alderman Kern led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Foulcard determined that a quorum was present.
Alderman Bourgeois moved and Alderwoman Simmons seconded to approve the Regular Meeting board minutes of the Last Regular meeting on March 11, 2019 meeting with all necessary corrections. Motion carried.
Alderman Clark moved and Alderman Williams seconded to approve the Special Meeting board minutes of the Last Special meeting on March 19, 2019 meeting with all necessary corrections. Motion carried.
There was no correspondence
Announcements by the Mayor:
Governor John Bel Edwards approved a FY 2019 Louisiana Community Development Block Grant (LCDBG) Public Facilities application for the City of Jeanerette in an amount up to $937,300. The funds will be used to install a pump at the Main Pump station, extend a water supply line to the site, and rehabilitate Pump Station Number 6 and 10.
Congratulations to Mayor Elect, and the new Alderman Elect for the 2019-2023 term.
Report from the Wednesday April 3, 2019 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting
Present-Mayor Aprill Foulcard, Alderwoman Tia Simmons, Calvin Bodin, Treasurer Catherine Roy, Mr. David Greer, Susan Colden City Clerk, Louis Lancon
The March LAMP Overview and Sales Tax receipts were reviewed it was noted that the sales tax levels are down to more normal levels and are lower than this time last year. The Bank balances were reviewed and the latest A/P aging report was presented. The P& L statements contained the amended budget figures. There was also Water and Sewer projected and actual cost analysis. With no other issues to discuss the meeting was adjourned. Committee Reports-None
Other Reports
Update from Fiscal Administrator Mr. David Greer-The last day for our Tax Collector was on Friday April 5th and there is an effort to develop systems to process payments for Taxes, licenses and permits.
Update from Neil Swain of Statewide Electrical Services on Sewer Operations-March was good, road is good, packing down, getting sludge removed and should have dumpsters next week.
Update from Gene Sellers from Sellers & Associates- This time there is no out of pocket for the city for the block grant. For the Canal Street project, the emergency grant was $233,948, when the contactor gets the parts in it can start, approximately 30 days. For the next item, DOTD informed the city there was a crossing on LA 87 that there needs repair, and there is a 4 inch water line that needs to be moved, cost is around $20,000 and impacts 8 customers. After discussion and questions Mr. Sellers was going to look further into this issue. Inspection of Water Tower was performed by Pittsburg Tank and their final report has several items for repair, interior and exterior ladder, balcony floor has several holes, and interior of tank has 3 inches of sediment that needs to be removed. The estimated cost is $46,000. Pittsburg is also recommending the interior and exterior of the tower be painted but this item is on hold. After some questions Mr. Greer said the removal sludge and repair of the ladders is priority at a cost of $30,000.
Adopt Ordinance 2019-03 Amending the Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Budget for the City of Jeanerette
Motion by Alderman Bourgeois and Alderman Clark seconded to enter public session, motion carried.
There were no questions and on a motion by Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Bourgeois to return to regular session. Motion by Alderman Clark and Alderman Bourgeois seconded to approve, motion carried. Alderwoman Simmons stated “due to my conflict with Jeanerette City Court being a part of the budget for the City of Jeanerette, I hereby advise the council that I am recusing myself from voting pursuant to RS:42:1120. However I am allowed to discuss the budgets.”
Roll call vote taken as follows
Alderman Yeas: Aldermen Kern, Bourgeois, Williams, Clark
Abstain: Alderwoman Simmons
FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2018- JUNE 30, 2019
General Fund 1985 1/4% Sales 2004 1/4% Sales TOTAL GENERAL FUND Street Improvement Ad-Valorem 1% Sales Drainage Mosquito Control Police Protection Fund Fire Protection Fund HUD Section 8 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE Utility Fund 1973 1/4% Sales TOTAL UTILITY GO Bond Reserve Water Plant Sinking Fund GO Bond USDA Revenue Bond Capital Outlay
Tax Revenue $941,158 $122,314 $122,314 $1,185,786 $60,265 $491,256 $551,521 $122,314 $122,314 $80,353
Licenses Permits $186,700 $186,700 $ - $ -
Intergovernmental $33,190 $33,190 $100,000 $100,000 $ -
City Court $401,292 $401,292 $ - $ -
Other Income $285,050 $50 $50 $285,150 $100 $235 $103 $438 $5,940 $216 $6,156 $297 $300
State Sources $334,000
Local Sources $ - $1,451,668 $1,451,668
Federal Sources $152,496 $152,496 $ -
TOTAL REVENUE $1,847,390 $122,364 $122,364 $2,092,118 $60,265 $491,356 $100,235 $ - $ - $152,599 $804,455 $1,457,608 $122,530 $1,580,138 $297 $80,653 $ - $334,000
EXPENSES $ - $ - $ -
Council Expenses $27,425 $27,425 $ - $ -
City Court Expenses $176,620 $176,620 $ - $ -
Administrative Expenses $1,022,534 $1,022,534 $43,823 $43,823 $ -
City Marshal Expenses $316,786 $316,786 $ - $ -
Police Department Expenses $461,580 $461,580 $55,979 $55,979 $ -
Fire Department Expenses $117,090 $117,090 $48,811 $48,811 $ -
Street Department Expenses $378,848 $378,848 $51,900 $105,876 $157,776 $ -
Street Lighting Expenses $67,334 $67,334 $ - $ -
Water Distribution Expenses $ - $150,484 $150,484 $100,000
Water Plant Expenses $ - $318,674 $318,674
Sewer Plant Expenses $353,704 $353,704 $234,000
Sewer Line Maintenance $ - $54,979 $54,979
Garbage Expenses $ - $252,000 $252,000
HUD Expenses $152,540 $152,540 $ -
Bond Payment $ - $ - $97,240 $97,068
TOTAL EXPENSES $2,568,217 $ - $ - $2,568,217 $51,900 $43,823 $105,876 $55,979 $48,811 $152,540 $458,929 $1,129,841 $ - $1,129,841 $ - $97,240 $97,068 $334,000
Utility Fund $63,583 $63,583 $64,951 $43,300 $108,251 $ - $96,000
1% Sales tax $420,000 $420,000 $ - $ -
1985 1/4% Sales Tax $110,000 $110,000 $ - $ -
Disbursement Fund $3,604 $3,604 $ - $ -
1973 1/4% Sales tax $25,000 $25,000 $ - $60,000 $60,000
2004 1/4% Sales Tax $110,000 $110,000 $ - $ -
Utility Unrestricted LAMP $3,583 $3,583 $ - $ -
GO Bonds LAMP $249 $249 $ - $ - $16,000
2004 Water Plant Sinking $22,519 $22,519 $ - $ -
Ad Valorem Street Fund $ - $ -
Drainage/Mosquito Fund $ - $ -
TOTAL TRANSFERS IN $758,538 $ - $ - $758,538 $ - $ - $ - $64,951 $43,300 $ - $108,251 $60,000 $ - $60,000 $ - $16,000 $96,000 $ -
General Fund $110,000 $110,000 $220,000 $420,000 $420,000 $63,583 $25,000 $88,583
Police Protection Fund $64,950 $64,950
Fire Protection Fund $43,300 $43,300
USDA Short Lived Assets $75,000 $75,000
USDA Reserve $31,468 $31,468
USDA Water Plant Sinking Fund GO Bond $ - $16,000
USDA Sinking Fund Revenue Bond $96,000 $96,000
Utility Fund $60,000 $60,000
Payroll Fund $17,012 $5,881 $5,881
TOTAL TRANSFERS OUT $17,012 $110,000 $110,000 $220,000 $ - $420,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $420,000 $380,182 $85,000 $465,182 $16,000 $ - $ - $ -
CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE $20,699 $12,364 $12,364 $62,439 $8,365 $27,533 ($5,641) $8,972 ($5,511) $59 $33,777 $7,585 $37,530 $45,115 ($15,703) ($587) ($1,068) $ -
The ordinance was introduced on the 11th day of March 2019 by Fiscal Administrator David Greer, notice of a public hearing
having been held on April 8, 2019, the title having been read and the ordinance considered, on April 8, 2019, on
the motion of Alderman Clark who moved its adoption, seconded by Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons stated “due to my conflict with
Jeanerette City Court being a part of the budget for the City of Jeanerette, I hereby advise the council that I am recusing myself from voting pursuant
to RS:42:1120. However I am allowed to discuss the budgets.” Upon roll call was adopted by section, and as a whole, by the following yea and nay vote:
Yeas: Aldermen Kern, Bourgeois, Williams, Clark
Abstain: Alderwoman Simmons
City of Jeanerette
Aprill F. Foulcard Mayor
Susan Colden
City Clerk
I, Susan Colden hereby certify that I am the City Clerk of the City of Jeanerette and that the above and correct copy
of an ordinance adopted by the Mayor and the Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette held in favor of the
adoption thereof.
THIS DAY OF April 8th, 2019.
Susan Colden
Introduce Ordinance 2019-04 to amend and reenact sections 11-4019 Fireworks
Introduced by Alderman Clark to bring regulations in line with the surrounding areas. After discussion Motion by Alderman Williams Second by Alderwoman to table the ordinance until the next administration bring this forward. Alderman Clark objected. Motion carried, Roll call vote as follows
Yea: Alderman Kern, Alderwoman Simmons, Aldermen Bourgeois, Williams
Nay: Alderman Clark
Abstain: none
Motion tabled
Executive Session- cancelled by motion from Alderman Clark and second by Alderman Bourgeois.
There being no further business to bring before the Board of Aldermen, Alderman Clark moved and Alderman Bourgeois seconded to adjourn the meeting, motion carried.
Aprill F. Foulcard
Susan Colden
City Clerk
April 8, 2019 Meeting
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