Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Postby City Clerk » Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:53 am

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their Regular meeting place held Monday June 10th, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderwoman Mariah Clay, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Garland Bourgeois, Alderwoman Christia Simmons, Alderman Ray Duplechain. and City Attorney Lucretia Pecantte.
Father Albert Alexander led the prayer and Bishop James W Proctor led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present.
5. Public Comments on items 6-13. No Comments
The Mayor recognized Bishop James W Proctor and his wife Dr. Ezora J. Proctor and their involvement in the community serving through The First Church of God in Christ. The Mayor also recognized Father Albert Alexander of St. John’s the Evangelist. He thanked them all for attending. The then said that Father Albert was going to Abbeville and presented him with a certificate of appreciation for his spiritual guidance and compassion within our community.
6. A. Approval of Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting May 14, 2024-On motion by Alderwoman Simmons and second by Alderwoman Clay to approve carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay, no abstentions
B. Approval of Minutes of the Personnel and Policy Committee Meeting June 4, 2024- On motion by Alderwoman Clay and second by Alderwoman Moore to approve carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay, no abstentions.
C. Approval of Minutes of the Finance Committee Meeting June 4, 2024- On motion by Alderwoman Moore and second by Alderwoman Clay to approve carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay, no abstentions
D. Approval of Minutes of the Public Works and Safety Meeting June 4, 2024 On motion by Alderwoman Simmons and second by Alderman Bourgeois to approve carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay, no abstentions
7. Correspondence by the Mayor- The Mayor stated that the City is making preparations for the Hurricane season and the public should also. The Ward 8 Recreation Centre will be used as an evacuation site. The Mayor also stated that with the road work on hwy 90, it will be challenging for an evacuation.
8. Announcements by the Mayor. On Saturday June 15 there will be a Juneteenth celebration on the grounds of King Joesph Recreation Center. Also, the new playground equipment for City Park and King Joseph Recreation Center arrived today. The street repair is going very well. The contractors are working on Ira, Pellerin, Jennifer Ann and Cypemort streets.
9 A. Update from Statewide Electric on Water and Sewer Operations by Mr. Anderson Clay. Or the water plant both contractors are working and finishing up, replacing leaky pipes, the filters and softeners have been blasted, painted and the media replaced. One filter still needs to be painted but the humidity is causing a delay. Soon we should be able to do a new start-up of the plant. The control panel has been upgraded and it is automated. The technicians need to come in and setup everything. The ground storage tanks need to be cleaned, and some of the isolation valves to those tanks need to be replaced. The lift stations are doing well, there are 4 pumps ready to put back in service. At the sewer plant things are going fairly well, the chlorine room is redone and the sulfur dioxide so hopefully the testing will improve. They are waiting to get the sludge return pump in so the 2nd clarifier can get online. There is 2 aerators working and hopefully we can get 2 more. There was some discussion about the valves.
The Mayor then reported that the work will start tomorrow on the construction of a New O’Reilly’s Auto Parts store next to City Hall. He also noted that on the agenda is an item to relocate a sewer line to allow the Raintree to construct a new grocery store.
The Mayor requested a change in order and move 10. 4 to 10.1 and 10.5 as 10.2. Alderman Duplechain motioned to make the change and second by Alderwoman Simmons to approve carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay, no abstentions.
10. 1. Review and action on Intergovernmental Agreement for City Marshal, Jeanerette Police Department and the City of Jeanerette. The Mayor reviewed the current agreement. Chief Vallot first thanked the Marshal’s for their help during the staffing issue at the police department. The Chief then went on that now the department is nearly fully staffed and one officer is currently out until the 24th on medical leave. After that time, there are 5 officers and 6 counting the Chief, the new recruits are paired with a certified officer. Regarding overtime, there still we be some but with the certified reserve officer able to work the shifts he is off from his other department the maximum overtime should be 96 hours but if the reserve is able to work it should be 48 hours. There were a few questions regarding timing. The board thanked the Marshal. He reviewed the activity by his department and said he was proud of their efforts, and said they were pleased to serve. The Mayor asked if anyone has thoughts on curfew. There were comments from the Marshal, that the citation will fall to the parent if a change is made. The board agreed that unless parents take a hand in raising their children. Poochie, Willie Ward had a question about the funding for the police. Alderwoman Clay asked about juvenile activities, and the Mayor reviewed the activities of Park and Rec Department.
10.2 Authorize Mayor to execute purchase agreements with the six (6) property owners for the property to be acquired by the City of Jeanerette for the Water Sector Sewer Treatment Facility Project, On motion by Alderman Duplechain and second by Alderwoman Simmons to put the item on the floor, Alderwoman Simmons wanted clarification that the monies to purchase the properties can come from the 1 million from the water sector. Nick Sonnier from Seller’s said that they wrote a letter to the Water Sector for that approval, he also reviewed the method for disbursing the funds. Alderwoman Simmons then said that 2 of the agreements have blanks where the amount of monies the City should pay for the current and future crops. After a discussion Alderman Duplechain made a motion to table with a second by Alderman Bourgeois, roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried.
10.3. Approval of PPE#10 to Frisco for Phase II, WTP Upgrades (9327-07)-Introduction by Nick Sonnier, Alderwoman Simmons offered motion to approve second by Alderwoman Clay. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
10.4. Approval of CCO#8 for Frisco for Phase II, WTP Upgrades (9327-07)- Introduction by Nick Sonnier, Alderwoman Simmons offered motion to approve second by Alderwoman Clay. roll call vote
Introduction by Nick Sonnier, Alderwoman Simmons offered motion to approve second by Alderwoman Clay. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
10.5. Approval of Notice of Acceptance and Resolution of Acceptance with Punch List for Frisco for Phase II, WTP Upgrades (9327-07)- Introduction by Nick Sonnier, Alderwoman Moore offered motion to approve second by Alderman Bourgeois. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
Nick then asked if there are any concerns regarding the properties if the questions can be brought up quickly so they can be addressed and then maybe have this item go again before the board in a special meeting. Nick then reviewed the progress of the road projects and he mentioned that Cypemort Street may not require as much reconstruction. They are also waiting on soil test results from Jennifer Ann.
New Business:
1. OPEN PUBLIC HEARING-On motion by Alderwoman Simmons to leave regular session and enter into public session seconded by Alderman Bourgeois carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay, no abstentions
a. Public hearing on the proposed 2024 Millage rates. Finance Director Christie Connor and the Mayor explained that the millage rates will remain the same as the previous year. Hearing no comments from the public on motion Alderman Bourgeois motioned to leave public session and return to regular session second by Alderman Duplechain
2. CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING and return to public meeting in regular session carried on voice vote of all yea, no nay, no abstentions.
1. Resolution 9 of 2024 to adopt the 2024 millage rate(s). Alderman Bourgeois offered motion to adopt the rates second by Alderwoman Simmons. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
2. Resolution 10 of 2024 to grant the authority to the Mayor to sign and submit the Maintenance agreement, including Mowing and litter pickup from June 2024 to June 2025 with the DOTD. Alderman Duplechain offered motion to grant authority second by Alderman Bourgeois. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
3. Resolution 11 of 2024 to grant the authority to the Mayor to sign a cooperative endeavor agreement by and between Acadiana Criminalistics Laboratory (ACL) District and the City of Jeanerette and provide ACL with $44,305 towards their match for the Capital Outlay Request. Alderman Bourgeois offered motion to grant authority second by Alderwoman Moore. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
4. Resolution 12 of 2024 to grant the authority to the Mayor to sign and submit documents to relocate the sewer line at 1001 E. Main St, site of Raintree Market, at a cost to not exceed $150,000. Alderman Duplechain offered motion to grant authority second by Alderman Bourgeois. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
13. Ordinances
A. Introduction of Ordinance 2024-06A to Amend and Reenact the Fiscal Year 23-24 Budget- Alderwoman Simmons offered motion to introduce second by Alderwoman Moore. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
B. Introduction of Ordinance 2024-06B to the Fiscal Year 24-25 Budget, Alderwoman Simmons offered motion to introduce second by Alderwoman Clay. roll call vote
Yeas: Alderwoman Clay, Alderwoman Moore, Alderman Bourgeois, Alderwoman Simmons, Alderman Duplechain
Nay: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
Motion Carried
14. Adjourn on motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderwoman Moore and a voice vote of all yea, no nay, no abstentions the meeting was adjourned.

Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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