Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, taken at regular meeting held Tuesday May 14, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. The Mayor and Board of Aldermen met in regular session at their meeting place, City Hall, Jeanerette, Louisiana.
Those present were: Mayor Aprill Foulcard; Alderwoman Christia Simmons and Aldermen Kenneth Kern, Butch Bourgeois, Charles Williams, Sr., and Clarence Clark,
Also present were: Financial Administrator David Greer, City Attorney Roger Hamilton, and City Clerk Susan Colden, Treasurer Catherine Roy
Absent: None
Alderman Kern led in prayer, and Alderman Clark led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Foulcard determined that a quorum was present.
Alderman Williams moved and Alderman Clark seconded to approve the Regular Meeting board minutes of the Last Regular meeting on April 8, 2019 meeting with all necessary corrections. Motion carried.
There was no correspondence
Announcements by the Mayor:
There were no announcements
Report from the Wednesday May 8, 2019 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting
Present- Alderwoman Tia Simmons, Calvin Bodin, Mayor Elect Carol Bourgeois Jr., Aldermen elect Louis Lancon and Willie Ward, Treasurer Catherine Roy, Mr. David Greer, and City Clerk Susan Colden
The April LAMP Overview and Sales Tax receipts, A/P aging, bank balances and P & L statements were reviewed. The Ad Valorem roll forward of certain millages was addressed. The bulk waste cost analysis was discussed. Mr. Greer outlined current improvement projects at the water plant and the financial impact. The new system that will allow customers to check their bill online was introduced. Finally the 2019-2020 Budget outlined and discussed. With no other issues to discuss the meeting was adjourned.
Committee Reports-None
Other Reports
Update from Fiscal Administrator Mr. David Greer-Outlining water issues, as soon as Department of Health approves, polyphosphates will be added to combat the Iron and Manganese and improve quality. There is an assessment for work on two of the wells cost is approximately $27,000 for one and $47,000 for the other. At the plant the softener filters are being inspected and switching primary operations to plant 2. For garbage services, after a meeting with Waste Connections and the Police Jury there was agreement to reduce the house count by 50 and add the bulk waste pickup. Waiting for IRS to drop penalty. The Tax collector left and now the permits and tax payments are now being collected by the utility collections staff. There are no plans to hire a full time tax collector but roll the responsibilities under the Treasurer/Tax Collector. The retirement rates are scheduled to increase and the plan and budget will reflect the increases. Mr. Greer then was asked by Mayor Foulcard to introduce the Ordinance 2019-04 to Adopt Bulk Waste Service by Waste Connections and Establish New Garbage Rates. The addition of the bulk waste collection twice a month will increase the cost to the citizens to $16.50 for garbage collection services, reflecting an increase of $3.15. The increase will need to occur even if we continue to collect bulk waste through public works due to recover to cost. Details will be provided next month.
Update from Neil Swain of Statewide Electrical Services on Sewer Operations- Ira Street station had electrical issues to the panel and the pump needed repair as well and a second pump was added. Cypress Lane station appears to have had someone back over the bypass with a car, it was repaired. Borel station experienced possible lightning strike, the panel was repaired. The sludge is beginning to be hauled out of the sewer plant, Lynn Romero trucking is hauling to facility in Berwick at a cost of $475 a dumpster and there will be about 20-40 dumpsters needed. Some questions regarding electrical issues were discussed.
Update from Gene Sellers from Sellers & Associates- Status Report on Canal Street Pump Station Repair Project – Funds dedicated total $233,948; pre-construction meeting was held and work should begin in 10 days. He will look into caller ID and Power failure alert. Status Report on LA 87 Waterline Relocation Project-Public works and city engineer were questioning if waterline was in right of way, DOT decided to pay $20,000 for project. Status Report on the Inspection of the Water Tower by Pittsburgh Tank Co. Cost is $45,950, with 50% down and remaining over 12 months. They are working interior first, and repairing ladders, catwalk finally exterior. Report on the LCDBG Sewer Rehabilitation Project station 10, off from Canal Street the force main will be extended to bypass 8 to prevent double pumping. Number 6 on St. Nicholas Street the force main will be extended to a gravity line to relieve the burden on 5 and 7. The main sewer station will be getting a water line and a new main pump, the grant is $950,000. Additionally we have a $35,000 CWEF grant and anticipate another $35,000 next year to extend the water line across the railroad tracks with the city funding the remaining $30,000.
Update from Erica Banks of Jeanerette Matters group, for Clean-up day May 18. This started as a grass roots organization, where folks can adopt a block. The group is starting with a clean-up day Saturday at 8 am and working till noon.
Agenda Items
Maintenance Agreement between City of Jeanerette and State of La. DOTD Office of Engineering-FY Ending June 30, 2020. Motion by Alderwoman Simmons and Alderman Bourgeois seconded, motion carried. Roll call vote taken as follows
Yeas: Aldermen Kern, Bourgeois, Williams, Clark, Alderwoman Simmons
Nays: none
Absent: none
Abstain: none
Proposal to have Public Meeting on June 10th for Resolution Adopting the Ad Valorem Millage for the year 2019 for the City of Jeanerette, Louisiana rolling forward the millage to maximum. Motion by Alderman Clark and Alderman Williams seconded, motion carried. Roll call vote taken as follows
Yeas: Aldermen Kern, Bourgeois, Williams, Clark, Alderwoman Simmons
Nays: none
Absent: none
Abstain: none
Review Letters of Intent for Park and Recreation Board Member for term ending December 31, 2020, Patty Lancon submitted the only letter of intent for the position. Motion by Alderman Clark and Alderman Williams seconded to appoint Patty Lancon, motion carried. Roll call vote taken as follows
Yeas: Aldermen Kern, Bourgeois, Williams, Clark, Alderwoman Simmons
Nays: none
Absent: none
Abstain: none
Resolution Presentation
To the family of Miss Doris Jones, sister of Leroy Jones
To the family of Ms. Lillian Dianna Richard Robinson retired entrepreneur of Lil’s Kitchen for over 35 years
Resolution 3 of 2019 to Ratify Agreement for Sewer Maintenance and Operation with Statewide Electrical Services LLC, for the period of May 15, 2019 through May 15, 2020. Motion by Alderman Bourgeois and Alderwoman Simmons seconded, motion carried. Roll call vote taken as follows
Yeas: Aldermen Kern, Bourgeois, Williams, Clark, Alderwoman Simmons
Nays: none
Absent: none
Abstain: none
Introduce Ordinance 2019-04 to Adopt Bulk Waste Service by Waste Connections and Establish New Garbage Rates. Motion by Alderwoman Simmons and Alderman Bourgeois seconded, motion carried, Roll call vote taken as follows
Alderman Yeas: Alderwoman Simmons, Aldermen Kern, Bourgeois, Williams, Clark
ORDINANCE NO. 04 of 2019
BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, in regular session assembled,
That the Code of Ordinance of the City of Jeanerette, Section 8-1010(b)(1) is hereby AMENDED and REENACTED to read as follows, to wit:
WHEREAS, the City of Jeanerette has been incurring expenses exceeding the collections for garbage from monthly charges for solid waste collection and disposal.
WHEREAS, the city has used its own personnel and equipment to collect and dispose of bulk waste in the city but has not charged customers for this service.
WHEREAS, the current garbage service operator can provide bulk waste pickup in a more economical and efficient manner than the city can provide.
WHEREAS, the Board of Alderman seeks to acknowledge the change in collection of bulk waste to be included as part of the services provided by Waste Connections.
BE IT THEREFORE ORDAINED, by the Board of Aldermen, City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana that the ordinance now read
(b) Charges. There is hereby levied a service charge to defray the expense of the collection and disposal of solid waste, including garbage, trash, and other refuse, and to defray the expenses of maintenance of the general cleanliness and sanitation of the city, to be assessed and collected monthly on solid waste collections made by the city or its authorized representatives as follows:
(1) Regular service unit: Upon each owner, occupant or proprietor of a regular service unit as defined hereabove sixteen dollars and fifty cents ($16.50), and allot for increase or decrease when necessary due to the consumer price index (CPI).
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, by the Board of Aldermen, City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana that David K. Greer, Court-Appointed Fiscal Administrator is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Waste Connections to modify current service to include bulk waste pick-up.
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that all ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately after its adoption.
This Ordinance was introduced on the 14th day of May 2019 by Mr. David Greer with notice of public hearing to be held on June 10, 2019, the title having been read and the ordinance considered, on motion of ________, whom moved its adoption, seconded by _______________, and upon roll call was adopted by its title, section by section, and as a whole, by the following yea and nay vote:
This Ordinance was thereupon declared adopted by Mayor and was approved and signed by her and attested by the City Clerk and the corporate seal of the City of Jeanerette affixed hereto on this 10th day of June, 2019.
Aprill Foulcard Mayor
Susan Colden City Clerk
Introduce Ordinance 2019-05 to Adopt Budget for Fiscal Year 2019-2020. Motion by Alderman Bourgeois and Alderman Clark seconded, motion carried. Alderwoman Simmons stated “due to my conflict with Jeanerette City Court being a part of the budget for the City of Jeanerette, I hereby advise the council that I am recusing myself from voting pursuant to RS:42:1120. However I am allowed to discuss the budgets.”
Roll call vote taken as follows
Alderman Yeas: Aldermen Kern, Bourgeois, Williams, Clark
Abstain: Alderwoman Simmons
There being no further business to bring before the Board of Aldermen, Alderman Clark moved and Alderman Bourgeois seconded to adjourn the meeting, motion carried.
Aprill F. Foulcard Mayor
Susan Colden
City Clerk
May 14, 2019 Meeting minutes
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