Meeting Minutes from Past Meetings
City Clerk
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Postby City Clerk » Wed Dec 15, 2021 12:16 pm

Proceedings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Jeanerette, State of Louisiana, at their regular meeting held Monday December 13, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Those present were: Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Garland Bourgeois, and Alderman Louis Lancon, Also present: City Clerk Susan Colden, Treasurer Catherine Roy, Chief Dusty Vallot, Fire Chief Sherry Landry and Public Works Director Howard White and City Attorney Lucretia Pecantte. Absent Alderman Clarence Clark and Alderman Willie Ward
Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr led in prayer and Alderman Bourgeois led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr. determined that a quorum was present.
5. Alderman Bourgeois moved and Alderman Lancon seconded to approve Minutes of the Last Regular Meeting November 8th, 2021 with all necessary corrections. Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderman Clarence Clark and Alderman Willie Ward absent.
6. Correspondence by the Mayor. The Mayor expressed the sympathy from the City to the families of the following Citizens that have passed away especially notable that the Mayor was able to present a Resolution marking the passing of Rita Holmes the aunt of City attorney Lucretia Pecantte and sister-in-law of our Alderwoman Charlene Moore. Ms. Holmes was an educator, fluent in Spanish and member of the Iberia Parish School Board for several years.
7. Announcements The Mayor reminded everyone that this Sunday will be Christmas on the Main starting at 5 pm at the Main Street Pavilion where local children can come and get a toy. On Christmas Day the Sisters of St. Johns Evangelist are sponsoring a Christmas Dinner at the Main Street Pavilion starting at 11:30 am. The Foodnet Food Drive on December 7th with KFLY, and local drop off at the Church of God in Christ was a success and collected 6,000 lbs of food and cash donations.
8A. Report from the Tuesday December 7, 2021 Policy and Personnel Committee Meeting Present-Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Susan Colden City Clerk, Treasurer Catherine Roy, and Alderman Clarence Clark and Alderwoman Charlene Moore. The group discussed that our current vacation policy, Policy 13, is not in agreement with RS 33:1996 covering Fire or RS 33:2214 covering Police vacations. Changes to the Policy were discussed and these changes will be available for approval at the January meeting. After a brief discussion on various updates to consider, the meeting was adjourned.
8B. Report from the Wednesday, December 7, 2021 City of Jeanerette Finance Committee Meeting Present - Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Treasurer Catherine Roy, City Clerk Susan Colden, Alderwoman Charlene Moore, Alderman Louis Lancon and Calvin Bodin. Also present John Caro from Brown and Brown, Samuel Sarpong of Daylight Capital Advisors and J Hardy Andrews from Foley & Judell, LLP. John Caro outlined the renewal for workers’ compensation, property, vehicles, and fire and crime policies. The Crime Policy will be less than last year. The there is no changes for VFIS. John suggested looking at having LWCC cover Liability & Workers Compensation now that the city has gotten a handle on the excessive claims. John also is suggesting looking at Amgard to cover auto physical and liability damage, but the deductible will have to be increased from $2,000 to $5,000. Amgard would also cover the Contractor’s equipment, General Liability, Public Officials Liability, Employment Practices Liability, and Police Professional Liability and would be lower than Travelers. The big issue is the property coverage. Because of the large amount of named storms the state was impacted by, there are not a lot of carriers willing to insure municipalities and the rate increases are significant. Our current carrier, Axis is willing to still carry the City but our total insured value last year was $6,228,443 at a cost of $45,433.99. This year Axis will only cover property coverage claim costs of $2,000,000 at a cost of $54,000. The committee discussed the impact of change if the City faces a major event. J. Hardy Andrews and Samuel Sarpong reported that Red River Bank is refunding our 2005 General Obligating Refunding Bonds that were at 4.125%. These bonds will be refunded with the issuance of $1,550,000 of Series 2021 General Obligation Refunding Bonds at 2.25%, representing a savings of 17%. Mr. Hardy and Mr. Sarpong reported that there will only be a 5 year lock on the financing. The Sales Tax revenue is higher and Utility payments are on par with a total of 2016 customers. Cash flow is on projection and LAMP and bank balances are healthy. The committee discussed using the ARPA funds to provide a one-time premium pay for all City of Jeanerette employees. The group will recommend the Board consider passing a Resolution to approve. Aged payables are good The P & L is within projections, expenditures and revenues should be at 42%. The City is now able to have customers pay bills by ACH and the forms are available to authorize the bank draft. The customer will receive an email at the beginning of the month and the money with be transferred out of the customer’s account around the 12th of the month. Iberia Parish is a sub-recipient for a hazard mitigation grant through FEMA and have asked if we wanted to request any generators. Catherine asked all departments to submit a list of sites that could use a generator. We also received correspondence from LMA regarding the projects being funded by HB2 and stated that the State Bond commission is scheduled to meet on December 16 to approve the Priority 2 recommendations. With no other business to consider, the meeting was adjourned.
8C. Report from the Thursday, December 7, 2021 City of Jeanerette Public Works and Safety Committee Meeting
Present-Mayor Carol Bourgeois Jr., Alderman Butch Bourgeois, City Clerk Susan Colden, Treasurer Catherine Roy, Fire Chief Sherry Landry, Officer Anthony Ligon, Wade Tillman, and Public Works Director Howard White. Chief Landry reported 74 calls, 63 in the city and 11 auto aid. On November 16th they attended a LSU class for salvage & overhaul. The department was able to bless 18 families with Thanksgiving food baskets. The department is also collecting donations for a toy drive until December 15 that will distributed at an event on December 19. There was a water leak at the MLK station and Howard was working on it. The department Christmas Party is Saturday Dec 11th. Officer Ligon reported of 271 total calls, 0 burglaries, 0 robberies, 3 shootings, 7 arrests and 9 warrants. Three portable radios and one base was donated to the department from Iberia Parish Government, 911 Center-Mr. Prescott Marshall. Supervisor Wade Tillman reported 6 areas were marked for Dottie requests, 5 water leaks were repaired, 30 pot holes were patched, 4 sewer lines were cleared, and 4 streets were cleared of mixed trash. Gravel was placed in alley behind 409 Pellerin St and trees were chipped on Morris Charles. On Celia St. the slop sign was resurfaced and Christmas lights were put up on Main St. and Martin Luther King and trash bags were changed. With no other business to consider the meeting was adjourned.
8D. Report from Statewide Electric Sewer and Water Operations by Neal Swain. Water operations, there is still some discoloration and we are waiting for the contractors to install the hot tap so we can install the potassium permanganate pump and new quill. This chemical will remove the iron and manganese in the water that causes the discoloration. Spot hydrant flushing is ongoing and there is a new diffuser with a 10 foot hose to prevent washouts. On sewer side pump station 2 by the Bayside bridge has one pump operational and one pump that is requiring a minor electrical fix but the part is not readily available since the panel is from 1987. Pump station 7, by King Joseph has one operational pump and the by-pass pump has been removed. The second pump should arrive this week. Alderman Lancon asked if Mr. Swain has been able to locate a good used bypass pump the City could purchase and Mr. Swain said he had a few leads and is hopeful he will be able to find something at a good price that has some life left and the price would be between $15,000 and $30,000. DEQ came for an inspection on the plant and Mr. Swain is waiting on the report. Preliminary results were typical of past and Mr. Swain told them of the upcoming projects and the representatives from DEQ were pleased with the proposed changes. Mayor Bourgeois Jr. reported that there was a meeting earlier today with Mr. Gene Sellers of Sellers and Associates concerning some upcoming projects. There was some conversation about a location for a new road. With the upcoming projects the City needs a road to provide access.
8E. Report from RJ Fonseca Jr. from Standard Law on City owned properties Mr. Fonseca recapped the process that began in 2019 of identifying a few properties that were adjudicated to the City. The City then declared that it was going to take full ownership of 10 specific properties. Seven of those properties during the process of notification did redeem the properties there were three that were never redeemed and the City did take full ownership. Now there are a few options that the City can use to sell these properties since it was never acquired for a public purpose. Mr. Fonseca went on to explain how the value of the property might be determined such as looking at taxed and legal fees owed to determine a minimum bid. The property could then be offered for sale by a sealed bid with the bidding period open Monday morning and closed Friday afternoon and the highest bid over the minimum bid. Alderman Lancon asked if we could start moving on the process next month. Mr. Fonseca said it was very possible and that in the January meeting there would be an Ordinance to pass and certain notices to post. Alderman Lancon said that he would like the City move on the next 10 properties after this is completed. Mr. Fonseca suggested the City might wish to pass a comprehensive ordinance for this process. Attorney Pecantte asked if it would be a good idea to afford another opportunity for redemption and Mr. Fonseca explained that the process affords the opportunity and since the City now owns the property and does not need a quite title so he felt that the City is in good standing with the sale process. Alderman Bourgeois asked if the family could bid on the property and was assured they could. The board was in agreement to move forward and Mr. Fonseca will prepare the documents and have them reviewed by City Attorney Pecantte.
8F. Report from Bill Parham consultant on Blighted Properties, Abandoned Properties Mr. Parham addressed the board outlined the issue many adjudicated becomes blighted and abandoned and the process of clearing and moving them back into a property someone can purchase and pay taxes on. Mr. Parham explained his work with Parish Inspectors that the City of Jeanerette uses and options the inspectors could offer the City and various ordinances and levels of inspection and enforcement that the City could adopt.
9. Agenda Items A. John Caro from Brown and Brown on Workers Comp, Auto, Liability and property renewal, John Caro did not receive all the renewal information from the carriers, Motion by Alderman Bourgeois second by Alderman Lancon to table the item until John gets information from the carrier. Motion carried on voice vote of all Yea, and Alderman Clarence Clark and Alderman Willie Ward absent.
10. Proclamations
11A. Resolution 13 of 2021 Granting Authority to the Mayor to Sign and submit for Love Louisiana Outdoors program After a introduction by Mayor Bourgeois Jr.. After a brief discussion motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Bourgeois to suspend the reading of the Resolution, motion passed with a voice vote of all yeah with no Abstain and no Nay and Alderman Clark and Alderman Ward absence. Motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderwoman Moore to approve the resolution. Roll Call Vote as follows:
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois, and Alderwoman Moore
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: Alderman Ward, Alderman Clark
Motion passed.
B. Resolution 14 of 2021 Adopting One Time Premium Pay for Municipal Employees from ARPA funds Resolution read by Mayor Bourgeois Jr., and after a brief discussion, Alderwoman Moore recommended to change the level of pay to each eligible employee to $1,000 and the total funds allocated not to exceed $36,000, with discussions with department heads to determine if the employee is eligible. Aldermen Lancon noted that elected officials are not eligible for this pay. On motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Bourgeois to approve the resolution. Roll Call Vote as follows:
Yea: Alderman Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois, and Alderwoman Moore
Nay: None
Abstain: None
Absence: Alderman Ward, Alderman Clark
Motion passed.
12A. Adopt Ordinance 2021-11A, of Bond Ordinance for General Obligation Refunding Bond, Series 2021 and accept offer to purchase Introduction by J Hardy Andrews of Foley and Judell LLP, Motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderwoman Moore to suspend the reading of the Ordinance, motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderman Clark and Ward absent. Motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Bourgeois to leave regular session and enter public meeting, motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderman Clark and Ward absent. After no questions or further discussion, motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Bourgeois to leave public session and enter regular session. Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderman Clark and Ward absent. Motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderwoman Moore to Adopt Ordinance 2021-11A, of Bond Ordinance for General Obligation Refunding Bond, Series 2021; Roll Call vote
Yea: Aldermen Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois and Alderwoman Moore
Nay: None
Abstain: None,
Absence: Alderman Ward, Alderman Clark
Motion passed.
B. Adopt Ordinance 2021-11B, To Amend and Reenact Section 2-1005 Rules of Procedure (c) (3) Expanding Agenda
Introduction by Lucretia Pecantte, City Attorney, Motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderwoman Moore to suspend the reading of the Ordinance, motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderman Clark and Ward absent. Motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Bourgeois to leave regular session and enter public meeting, motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderman Clark and Ward absent. After no questions or further discussion, motion by Alderman Lancon and second by Alderman Bourgeois to leave public session and enter regular session. Motion carried by voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderman Clark and Ward absent. Motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderman Lancon to Adopt Ordinance 2021-11B, To Amend and Reenact Section 2-1005 Rules of Procedure (c) (3) Expanding Agenda; Roll Call vote
Yea: Aldermen Lancon, Alderman Bourgeois and Alderwoman Moore
Nay: None
Abstain: None,
Absence: Alderman Ward, Alderman Clark
Motion passed.
13. Adjourn The Mayor and Aldermen wished everyone in attendance a happy holidays. There being no further business to bring before the Board of Aldermen, motion by Alderman Bourgeois and second by Alderwoman Moore to adjourn the meeting carried with a voice vote of all yea, no abstain and Alderman Clarence Clark and Alderman Willie Ward absent.


Carol Bourgeois Jr., Mayor

Susan Colden City Clerk

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